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We provide inspection solution in all

About InspatechGroup

We are a progressing group in 3D metrology Services for supporting customer onsite as well as off site for Portable CMM First Article Inspection & 3D SCAN Reverse Engineering & also we have expertise in Layout Inspection, we are progressing Service Provider with a sole aim to Cater Latest , Challenging Metrology Needs of the market , With Major Focus on Delivering Latest Products that is affordable and at the same time High Tech.

3d Metrology Sales & Services

we are offering 3D Metrology Services & Solutions for Metrology Products & Software’s, Like HEXAGON GLOBAL FIXED CMM , 3D Laser Scanning, GOM BLUE Light 3D Scanner, Contour Checking & Roughness Checking Machines from MAHR, Video Measuring Machine, with Reverse Engineering Solutions with 3D modelling, CMM Training Courses & Consultancy For these Instruments & also outsourcing LEICA Laser Trackers & Hexagon Portable CMM Inspection.


Jobs at InspatechGroupOpenings

InspatechGroup has experienced great growth over the years, but we’ve strived to maintain a family atmosphere where employees can thrive and succeed. Without a doubt, the people behind InspatechGroup are the cornerstone of our company’s success.

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Inspatech Group